Last Thursday morning I was walking around the house opening the blinds, and stubbed my toe against the leg of an end table. It hurt a lot, and when I looked down my toe was SIDEWAYS and rotated.

James was in Atlanta and I was supposed to take Claire to get her COVID vaccine that morning. She took one look at my toe and said “Go to the hospital!” so I drove my self to the nearest ER and limped inside for an x-ray.

It was definitely broken – a spiral fracture all the way around the toe – but fortunately my foot bones were okay. They set the bone (not fun) and showed me how to tape my toes together and gave me a lovely shoe and an appointment with a podiatrist.

I still managed to get Claire to her COVID vaccine appointment that morning. We are trying to get her fully vaxxed before our vacation in June.

My foot has turned every color of the rainbow this week and I’m still limping around. I saw the podiatrist and he said upon looking at my x-ray he thought I definitely needed a pin put in it, but then after looking at my expert taping job that we may be able to avoid it, so long as I wasn’t worried about my toe not being perfectly straight. I told him that as long as I could walk on it then I didn’t mind having a crooked toe. He wants to x-ray it again in a few weeks to see how it’s healing and then we can decide.